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    Traveller CCG - Solo Adventure 3.5

    You Are the Contract!


    Your last contract to resettle fleeing refugees exposed Rika Honami as the real source of the ecological disaster. You saw her policies and decisions favor politics rather than the settlers and you put a spotlight on it. Wishing to keep herself distant from the situation and quiet the source, Rika puts out a contract on you!


    Flint and Vorn are "Specialists" on the hunt, and accept the black market agreement. They have an upgraded Type S Scout ship, complete with a new ship tactics prototype AI. Its programing features a built-in attack and fade routine. They have been commissioned to interfere with all of your contracts, disable your ship, and stop your crew at opportunistic moments.


    You will have to fight off the ship and its crew as you encounter them in your travels. You will also need to determine how best to deal with Rika herself. She is heavily connected and can hinder you at every turn.




    Follow the same rules as Solo Play Scenario 3 in the rule book on page 42-3 with these adjustments below:



    Reach 20 Victory points AND Remove all 7 Opposition cards from play.



    Locate and use these cards instead from the Scout deck:

    • Rika Honami
    • Flint
    • Vorn Drusus
    • Glitch
    • Type S Scout
    • SureShot Missile Turret
    • RVD Overtuned Thruster Plate

    Place the Scout ship card on the table.


    Procurement Phase:

    At the end of this phase, draw a card from the Opposition deck and put it into play. Opposition cards stay in play from previous rounds until removed. They are not healed or repaired.


    Action Phase:

    Alternating attacks between crews. Trigger the abilities of the Scout crew cards in the order they were dealt.


    Rika Honami targets:

    • The crew who can be exerted (so you can’t use them)
    • Then the crew who can attack
    • Then the crew who can defend
    • Then Randomly

    If your card says "Opponent decides", you decide.


    Resolution Phase:

    The Scout ship plays at the beginning of the game and attacks every turn. Since the ship leaves before you can finish the attack in the resolution phase, it is the last card removed from play with 1 attack. You must remove crew and upgrade cards before defeating the ship.


    The Scout ship targets your upgrades then your ship:

    • Choose a target upgrade the Scout ship would defend itself from
    • Randomly assign attack as structure damage inflicted on an upgrade
    • If your ship has no upgrades, assign attack as an expense for the next Ready phase


    Once you get 20 Victory points and still have Opponent cards to remove from play, remove contract and complication cards at the end of the round and skip those related steps in the phases.


    You don't pay the cost of 1 for each Opposition crew in play at the end of the Resolution Phase.


    Optional background music soundtrack from composer Benjamin Pinkerton: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTbn-rmo_-ZLd6NARjDA2mffE6QrMD80S